At dawn in the middle of the shimmering ocean in Otago two tired men were on the boat , Black attack. SWOOSH!! A huge gust of winter wind zipped around them. Suddenly an enormous black head appeared and came out of no were. The two shivering men were terrified. SPLASH!!! The great big hump back whale splashed above them. Their boat was being tossed about and it was like the hole boat was turning upside down. ARR!! Screamed the men. The whale was about 2 meters away from the boat.The whale splashed into the water."Phew!Lucky that's over"said the men."That whale was about 25 meters long"said Jeff."I'm getting hungry.I feel like I can eat that whale"said Mike."Well let's go home.I have had enough of today"said Jeff.So they went home.The end.
By C.H. Reporter of Room 17 Herald
Awesome story C.H , well done :)